New marking

Author hyper / Posted on: 04.10.2017.
New marking

According to the relevant standard for YM cables, ÖVE / ÖNORM E 8242, a new marking is required from 1.1.2018.

YM cables will now be AT-N05VV-U for solid-wire conductors or AT-N05VV-R for multi-wire conductors.  Also, cross-sections that have a grounding wire are marked with „G“ and ones without are marked „x“



Old marking New marking

  • YM-J 3x1.5 AT-N05VV-U 3G1.5
  • YM-O 4x1.5 AT-N05VV-U 4X1.5
  • YM-J 5x10RM AT-N05VV-R 5G10


Introducing of new marking in Tesla cables d.o.o. starts on 02.10.2017 and will be conducted through:

Marking on cable itself, labels, ÖVE certificate, Declaration of Conformity, and Declaration of performance (DoP).


Tesla kabeli d.o.o.
Industrijska 20, 10431 Sveta Nedelja, Hrvatska

OIB: 75321357467
MB: 4081340

OTP banka d.d. - Split HR6524070001100185687 | SWIFT OTPVHR2X
Hrvatska poštanska banka d.d. - Zagreb: HR2823900011198007664 | SWIFT HPBZHR2X
KentBank d.d. – Zagreb HR5341240031199011634 | SWIFT KENBHR22
Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d. - Zagreb HR5024020061100674424 | SWIFT ESBCHR22

Tesla kabeli d.o.o.
Batajnički drum 10. deo br. 1, 11080 Zemun, Srbija

PDV: RS108828595
PIB: 108828595
MB: 21075680

AIK banka A.D. - Beograd RS35105000000280701248 | SWIFT AIKBRS22
OTP banka - Srbija A.D. Novi Sad RS35325960170006817238/ SWIFT: OTPVRS22
ERSTE BANK - A.D. Novi Sad RS35340000001101229969 / SWIFT: GIBARS22