
Official distributor of LEONI solar program.

New in assortment:
BETAflam ® cables & accessories

LEONI BETAflam® Solar Cable

It is used as photovoltaic cable between solar modules and inverters in a photovoltaic system with a rated value 
U₀ = 1.5 kV DC.

  • N50618 approval
  • Electron-beam cross-linked compounds
  • UV, ozone and hydrolysis resistant
  • High temperature resistance, the materials do not melt
  • Good cold flexibility
  • Very long service life, >25 years at 90 °C
  • Compatible with all popular connectors


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BETAflam ® Solar cables & accessories

Trusting the only true constant – nature – makes sense and is the safest way in the long term.
Solar and wind energy are the energy sources of the future.
The basic elements sun and air are natural forces that shape our climate.
Using their limitless power sustainably and cleanly for the energy consumption of mankind is the great challenge facing the energy supply of the near future.
Achieving maximum efficiency is the responsibility of leading technology development companies. Innovative strength, creativity, inspiration and the courage to forge new paths are the requirements for tomorrow’s clean energy world.

LEONI Solar & Windpower is aware of this task and already combines technology, innovation and ecological awareness today.
Environmentally compatible manufacture for environmentally compatible energy production through renewable energy – that is our motto.
Whether it is for local production, manufacturer or grid operator, we offer our customers products, systems and project management support in line with the market.
Our worldwide presence allows us to react flexibly, quickly and competently to our customers’ requirements in the most important solar and wind markets.
Ambitious large projects like solar heat, solar parks and wind farms are based on more than just the development of renewable energy resources, they also involve ecological and energy awareness.
Utilising nature thus also means being consistent in the long run.

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Tesla kabeli d.o.o.
Industrijska 20, 10431 Sveta Nedelja, Hrvatska

OIB: 75321357467
MB: 4081340

OTP banka d.d. - Split HR6524070001100185687 | SWIFT OTPVHR2X
Hrvatska poštanska banka d.d. - Zagreb: HR2823900011198007664 | SWIFT HPBZHR2X
KentBank d.d. – Zagreb HR5341240031199011634 | SWIFT KENBHR22
Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d. - Zagreb HR5024020061100674424 | SWIFT ESBCHR22

Tesla kabeli d.o.o.
Batajnički drum 10. deo br. 1, 11080 Zemun, Srbija

PDV: RS108828595
PIB: 108828595
MB: 21075680

AIK banka A.D. - Beograd RS35105000000280701248 | SWIFT AIKBRS22
OTP banka - Srbija A.D. Novi Sad RS35325960170006817238/ SWIFT: OTPVRS22
ERSTE BANK - A.D. Novi Sad RS35340000001101229969 / SWIFT: GIBARS22
